ABB - DC/AC inverter for railway applications

Dòng sản phẩm: Biến tần & khởi động mềm

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BORDLINE®-Compact Converters
BORDLINE® -Compact Converters are main propulsion converters with integrated auxiliary supply. All power electronics found on a vehicle are integrated in one product. This yields a very compact design with one interface to the vehicle.

As world market leader for industrial drives, ABB is very much concerned about standardization. The standard ABB control platform AC 800PEC is used for the Compact Converters. The power part is built with standard Power Electronic Building Blocks (PEBB), based on well-proven IGBT technology, which have been adapted to railway applications.
BORDLINE® -Compact converters are available for

AC grid voltage applications (16 kV / 16.7 Hz or 25 kV / 50 Hz)
DC grid voltage applications (600/750VDC, 1.5 kVDC, 3kVDC)
Diesel Generator applications
Multi-System applications
BORDLINE® -Compact Converters provide following functions:
Input converter (AC to DC conversion - single or three phase)
Traction converter (DC to AC conversion)
Braking chopper
Auxiliary converter
Battery charger
Multi Vehicle Bus (MVB) interface

  • ABB - AC drive
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  • ABB - DC/AC inverter for railway applications
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